One of my quilt plans for 2011 is to make a new quilt for my bed. The mister and I decided to go with the All Star 2 line. My plan is to make square-in-square blocks. Here are the first two.

I'm not sure what the final size blocks will be. These are about 12 inches, but I'm just kind of winging this one. The finished quilt needs to fit our queen-sized bed so I might finish the blocks at around 16 inches. We'll see how they turn out.
I got a baby shower invite in the mail yesterday, so after working on the two blocks last night, I started a quilt top for the baby-to-be. I tried out Oh Fransson's Mixtape pattern, but made a few modifications to speed up the process. I'll talk about this more later as I work on the quilt (it's due by next Friday), but I left out the sashing and I think it came together nicely.

Finally, I decided to start on a Kitchen Windows quilt from Elizabeth Hartman's book, The Practical Guide to Patchwork, using two of the colorways from Far Far Away 2. I wasn't quite sure what fabric to use as the "windows." I initially went with Kona Green Grass to create a lot of contrast between the windows and the background. But, the more I looked at the fabric, I didn't like how the color changed depending on the light. In natural light, the fabric matched the colors in FFA2 nicely, but in florescent light, it totally clashed.

The problem with going with a neutral, though, is that I'm worried the quilt will just get muddled.

Then I had the thought that if I go with the green window sashing, the green might overpower the FFA2 fabrics and stand out more than anything else. I kind of want the FFA2 fabric to be the star of the quilt, so I'm torn.
Any suggestions?

What about using the color that is Rapunzel window frame?
I like that suggestion -- maybe a grey one or two shades lighter?
Or possibly another green?
The olive green of the leaf would go ok. The two colours all of the blocks have in common are white and that yellowy green. Red dots or a patterned red/white fabric would contrast with each block ok and bring it all together too perhaps. Happy New Year!
I like everyone's suggestions too I was thinking a shade of the orange or lighter grey or aqua. I agree that the green may be too much but I guess it depends how your blocks are arranged.
I agree that the white just isn't going to do it. How about Kona Stone? It's a great, darker neutral. See if that works well with those organic greens.
I like the green, or was thinking about a gold color. What color were you thinking about for the background? If you went with a cream matching the FFA2 I think it would tone the green a lot. This is going to be beautiful regardless of what you chose!
I love the green. I like Diane's comment of making the background cream. Bright is fun :)
I just bought some of this fabric on Friday, I LOVE it. I can't wait to see how yours turns out.
I am loving your All Star 2 blocks! That is going to be one cute quilt!!!
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