1. Cathedral Windows Quilt - Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure it's not going to happen. I at least bought all the background fabric that I'll need, so I'll be ready to go whenever I get around to starting on this one.
2. Bee Quilt - I'm mailing out the fabric today for my month in the Sew Beautiful Bee. I'm really excited to see what everyone sends back and how my circle of geese quilt comes together. Once all the blocks are received, I'll need to make two more blocks and then I can piece the top. Hopefully, this quilt doesn't get put on the back burner.
3. Goldfish Quilt - I've fussy cut all the goldfish for this quilt and pulled the fabric I want to use. Now it's just a matter of starting to piece the blocks.
4. New Bed Quilt - The quilt top for this one is almost finished and I'm really excited about it. I started heading in one direction (using All Star 2), but then changed my mind and decided to use my Far Far Away 2 Kitchen Windows quilt for my bed. Thankfully, the mister is on board regardless of the princesses. =)

5 & 6. Quilts for two of my sisters - I've got most of the HSTs pieced for one of the quilts. I've also gathered the fabrics for the other quilt and need to finalize the design I want to go with.
7. Quilt for my mom's bed - Haven't started on this one.
8. Colorbrick Quilt - I've got my fabrics set aside for this one (are you seeing a pattern here?), but haven't cut into them at all.
9. Wheels Quilt - Haven't started on this one either.
10. Figgy Pudding Christmas Quilt - I hope to make this one over the summer. I will have my hands full with a sweet new baby during the months that I would normally work on Christmas items, so I think Christmas in July will be in order this year.
11. Unfinished quilt tops - These are still on hold and will probably stay that way. I'll probably finish the Patching Up quilt I made when I had my miscarriage last year. I think it will be a good way to allow the quilt to come full circle by finishing it for this baby.

12. Swaps - I think I can fully check this item off my list. I participated in the Spicing Up the Kitchen Swap, the Urban Home Goods Swap, and the Make Mine Modern Swap (shipping today!). I'm taking a break from swaps for the rest of the year. I officially return to work in the office in May and it may take me a while to find a good balance in my new schedule. I don't want to commit to anything that I may not be able to give my full attention to.
So there you have it. I definitely can see where I need to step up my game and "git er dun" as my work friends would say. Now that I'm finished with my swap items and have a month off in my bee, I'll be able to start prioritizing and check a few items off this list.
Now, head on over to Don't Call Me Betsy to see how everyone else is doing on their 2011 goals.