Hi all! Are you surprised to hear from me? I feel like it's been forever since I posted anything of substance on this blog. Truth is, I haven't made a ton of progress on many projects lately, just little bits here and there. But, I do want to show you what I've been working on, and since these are all in progress, I figured I'd link up to
Lee's WIP Wednesday for the first time.
Ongoing projectsFirst off, I quilted the
quilt for my cousin-in-law's soon to be little bundle of baby joy. (They opted to not find out the gender, but this Make Life fabric lends itself well to boys and girls.)

I started off by quilting horizontally and vertically through the one-inch sashing strips, then I quilted diagonally in both directions through each square. I didn't mark the quilt, so the lines don't perfectly intersect in some places, but that's just fine by me. I think the overall look is fun. I have some leftover Make Life binding from my
Life Is What You Make It quilt, so I just have to make a bit more binding and then this quilt will be ready for that last step.

I also got my Far Far Away 2 Kitchen Windows quilt top pieced except for the outside border. I haven't gotten around to taking a picture of the entire thing, but I will soon (or at least after these blustery, bitter cold days are behind us).

The binding fabric I ordered finally came yesterday so I'll be able to work on finishing the quilt soon. I went with Kona sage (misleading name in my opinion as it looks more blue than green), and I love how it looks with the colors in the quilt, especially up against the Kona stone, which I used as the sashing. I just need to piece the outer border for the top and then piece the backing. I plan on using some of the Kona sage to sash the
three extra kitchen windows for a bit of contrast on the back. It'll be nice to see how this one washes up when it's complete. I really like the weight of the FFA2 fabrics, which gives the entire quilt a heavier feel that I love.
New projectsThe last project I want to show you is what I started for my partner in round 3 of the
Urban Home Goods Swap. She mentioned liking Hope Valley as well as being happy about a new sewing machine cover. I've never made one before and thought it'd be a fun item to tackle. So, I called around to see if any local shops had some Hope Valley left, and it just so happened that one of them had some charms at 30% off, plus additional yardage. Score! I brought it home and went to work.
I used the Fat Cats Easy Dresden ruler on the charms and then pieced them like so. I had to offset the seams though so they would line up properly. Here's one end of the cover with a bit of hand-stitching inside the striped piece.

And here's the other in case my partner wants to turn it around. I'm thinking I'll make it reversible too so she can put the side facing her with the colors that match her mood - bright and cheery with the purples and oranges, or subdued and somber with the blues and grays. I have another little item that will go along with this cover, but I want to keep that part a secret.

To follow along with Lee's WIP Wednesday format, here are the rest of my stats.
Finished quilt tops (currently in limbo as I don't have plans to work on them anytime soon): 2
Patching Up Quilt Top
Jellyroll Sampler Quilt-Along Quilt Top
In progress with lower priority (for some reason): 3
Dresden plate pillow
HST Blush quilt
All Star 2 bed quilt
It's a little bit of a downer seeing how many projects I've started before finishing others. I usually like starting new projects while I have others in the works, but for some reason, it's really bothering me right now. I want to have a big burst of energy (oh, and time too) to knock out as many projects as I can. We'll see how this month pans out as it's the last one I have before returning to work at the office. =( Wish me luck.