Natalia over at Piece N Quilt is sponsoring an Ugly Quilt Contest. What a great idea! Although this quilt of mine isn't totally finished (I still need to quilt it), I thought I'd enter it anyway.
I present to you my ugly submission (the quilt, not the kids - they're pretty darn cute):
This was my very first finished quilt top. I had this idea in my head to do a strip quilt in red and blue for my son's room, but then I started adding other colors that just aren't cohesive in this quilt. I should have known after putting my design together. Yikes!

There's this awesome painting of the solar system hanging on the wall that served for inspiration. I also made some curtains, which I like much better. My idea was to use the same colors in both the curtains and the quilt, but obviously I had no clue what I was doing.
The sad thing is that I'm sure I'll end up using it on his bed anyway and try to come up with a way to salvage it. I'm too cheap to toss out the fabric. Plus, I spent WAY too much time on those rocket appliqués.
Word of advice: you know you have an ugly quilt on your hands when you tell your husband about entering this contest by submitting the aforementioned quilt and he doesn't object, but rather supports you in your decision. =)

How nice to have such a supportive husband. ;)
Thanks for entering Brooke! You did put a lot of work into those space ships! :) I'm glad you have a sense of humor too! :)
Your husband sounds like mine! His major consideration would be, "What do you get for it?" No thought to how that might hurt your feelings or make you feel as though you had wasted your time on all that hard work. Your post made me laugh very hard! Hope you win!
That's too funny! I think my husband would do the same. Good luck!
Your post really made me laugh!
Those kids are pretty darn cute! They really set off the quilt. It matches the room great and you will love it when it's done. I have boys so I know you can never have enough blankets (forts and the like)!
Your boys look like they LOVE it!! And that is all that matters, right?
I posted mine on Natalia's blog...
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