Now that I'm back into the swing of sewing again, I want to try harder to blog. I have a tendency to post things to Instagram because it's so quick and easy, but I forget that my blog serves as a sewing journal so I can document all the things I make. Needless to say, these pics are all from my IG feed (@pitterputterstitch).
Let's get on with the WIP part of this post, eh?
Flower Box

I bought this V & Co pattern, which I really love, and then pulled together a group of navy, teal, and peach fabrics. For the background, I picked this Moda Bella teak, and I'm not sure I love it. In fact, I think I may not like it. I'm debating between recutting my background fabric using a lighter neutral or just pushing through and finishing the blocks as is.
Arkansas Florence Crossroads
This was such a fast top to put together. I used Denyse Schmidt's Florence with coordinating solids for the main blocks and Le Creme dots for the background. I plan to make another one of these soon.
New Star
This paper pieced star is called the New Star and I got the pattern from Quilter's Cache. The Salt Lake Modern Quilt Guild is making a charity quilt using paper pieced stars and this color scheme. When I made this block, I forgot to use the designated solid background, so lucky me, I get to keep this one. It'll turn into a pillow eventually.
Neon Plus
In an effort to make a quilt for everyone in my family, I started on this neon plus quilt for my niece, Chamy. She's 19 and loves neon. When my dad was sick, she spent a lot of time at my parents' house tackling projects that needed to be done. She even refinished my parents' 11x40 foot deck! She's awesomesauce so I wanted to make her a quilt right away.
Wee Wander Pink and Orange
When Sarah Jane's Wee Wander line came out, I bought a fat quarter bundle of the whole line. This is such a sweet collection and I wanted to make coordinating quilts for my two girls. I played around with layouts and really liked this one, but The Middle has a mind of her own and convinced me to change it up. I'll post the final layout when I can take real pictures with my camera.
Wee Wander Blue and Green
For The Baby's quilt, I made a variety of patchwork blocks. I've since sashed them all in a cream solid and then I'll add a border around each block with green and blue solids.
I haven't made a small-strip striped quilt before. I pulled a focal fabric and then grabbed blues, reds, oranges, and greens to go with it. I pressed and trimmed all these blocks last night and settled on the final layout. I'll piece the top tonight. That'll put me at five quilt tops to baste, quilt, and bind. Not bad for a month's worth of sewing.
Love your projects, especially the colors/fabric in the paper pieced block. Visiting from WIP and will be back again! PS: Is that a Symphony that you sew on?
Very nice projects! I like the plus quilt and also the small strips quilt looks like it'll be really fun! Nice work.
Wow -- you are working on all of these simultaneously?! How do you keep it all organized? Each of your quilts is so different, but all very lovely. I know what you mean about blogging as a sewing journal. I deliberately include details like what needle, thread, tension setting, stitch length I used, et cetera in my blog posts because I can never remember what worked last time by the time I come around to another project that is similar. It's REALLY nice to be able to go to the computer, pull up those old blog posts with photos and all the details, and save myself having to work it all out through trial and error (LOTS of error!) all over again! I'm also here from WIP Wednesday and I enjoyed seeing your projects!
Everything is just stunning. You have great fabric choices!
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