The round ended the first of November and we all had the chance to vote for our favorite pillows. This was my first choice and I was so happy to see it arrive in my mailbox!
Tina from the UK (Cottilello on Flickr) made this amazing low-volume wavy pillow cover. The fabrics she used are so fun - clothespins, barcodes, cameras, text, needles and thread, scissors. I currently have the pillow sitting on my couch, but plan to put it in my sewing room if I ever get one of those.

This was a fun swap to participate in this year. It was low-key and not as time-consuming as some of the other swaps I've participated in. I could make a pillow that I wanted and *hopefully* it would be well enough received that I could get my first choice pillow in return. I'm hoping to participate in more rounds in the future.
I'm not usually a great fan of LV without a pop of bright, but I really love this, it's gorgeous.
Love the pillow! You lucky duck!
That is absolutely beautiful. I can see why it would be your first pick!
Very cute! I just recently did a similar pillow for Christmas this year. Mine was pieced with the wide stripes but no curves. Your pillow would also look cute in Christmas colors.
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