This week I'll be sharing my Christmas quilt finishes. I made four quilts for gifts this year. First up is the pixelated camera quilt for my father-in-law.
When I first started attending family functions with the mister's family before we were married, I had to quickly get used to all the cameras being used by various family members. Knowing I was getting my picture taken, it was hard not to pose or at least make sure I was presentable for the picture. See, the mister's family likes the candid shots. After a year or two, I finally got comfortable enough that I rarely notice now if I'm having my picture taken. And a bonus is that my kids are comfortable around cameras too and we'll have a lot of photos of them during all stages of their lives.
In the years that I've been quilting, I've never made a quilt for my father-in-law, while my mother-in-law has three quilts from me. So this year I decided to remedy that and a camera quilt seemed the most fitting for him.
I went with a mix of gray prints for the camera and background and a few blue prints for the lens.
The backing is a great camera print from Robert Kaufman. I decided to leave the selvage on, but can't decide if I like it or not. I was trying to be frugal, but looking at the backing in this print, it jumps right out at me.
I quilted the lens in a spiraling circle. The rest of the quilt is comprised of meandering ripple quilting. I used two light blue prints for the binding.
This quilt was a big hit with my father-in-law when we celebrated Christmas with the mister's family, and it was my final pixelated quilt for the year.