Back in January, I shipped my Gradated Mod Mosaic quilt out for quilting services. I was hesitant, but also excited. I gave clear instructions for the directionality of the top and backing, including pictures for the quilter to refer to. Unfortunately the quilt came back with the backing flipped 90 degrees. {Sad face.} At first I didn't notice that it was on wrong so I squared it up in preparation for attaching the binding. Then, I just happened to turn it over on the side where the label was and saw that it was on sideways. I notified the quilter, let the issue settle for a night, and then requested a refund since I decided to unpick the entire thing so I could fix it. (If I didn't, it would always bug me. Plus, I think the quilt was stretched too much during the quilting because it looks poufy and it shouldn't.) The quilter was quick to return my money, and while I felt like a jerk asking for it, I was happy for the quick response.
I've been slowly chipping away at unpicking the quilting. It's slow-going and has left me feeling a bit deflated about this hobby of mine.

I've tried moving on to other projects, like this Lucky Square quilt for the mister (pattern by Jessica of Sew Crafty Jess). I've finished all 63 blocks and am working on the sashing strips. Hopefully, I'll have a finished top soon.

I also threw together my first pair of PJ pants since high school. These Transformer PJs were for my obsessed 6-year-old's birthday.

The Middle has also been asking for a new Easter dress, just like the one I made her last year. I found that it's fun to sew for your little ones when they're excited for what you make them.
I made the mistake, however, of sewing this dress when she was asleep and not trying the bodice on her before finishing the dress. It was a couple sizes too big.

But, take 2 worked out great. Adding a contrasting zipper to the back was the best way to have the bodice fit around her chest without the neck needing to be big enough for her large head.

I also took the time to do some therapeutic sewing. This "always" pillow was inspired by Amber of One Shabby Chick. While it won't be staying at my house, it was really cathartic for me to make. "Always" is particulary meaningful to me at this point in my life.

Hopefully, I'll finish unpicking the quilting and make some quick progress on the Lucky Squares quilt so I can get back in the swing of things and keep moving forward with knocking out my WIPs. My goal is to finish all my in-progress quilts by July. That'll free up the latter half of the year for new projects and Christmas sewing.