Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sew Obsessed Fabric Giveaway Winner

Congratulations to Jodi, the winner of the Michael Miller fabric. Jodi, I'll be sending you an email.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sew Obsessed Fabric Giveaway

*****Giveaway closed*****

Happy Tuesday, everyone! My little guy starts a new school year today, and since I always get emotional on the first day of school, I thought today would be a great day for a giveaway, don’t you?

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored giveaway from Annie at Sew Obsessed.

How would one of you like to win one yard of this Michael Miller Fifties Kitchen fabric? This fabric is adorable. It totally reminds me of my grandma’s kitchen so I feel a little nostalgic looking at it. I can see some great aprons and hot pads made out of it. Or maybe some fun café curtains?

You have three chances to win:
  1. Check out Annie’s shop, then come back here and let me know what your favorite product is.
  2. Become a follower of Annie’s personal blog and leave a comment letting me know.
  3. Become a follower of my blog and leave a comment (or let me know that you already are).

Please make sure to include a way for me to get in touch with you. If I draw a winner without contact info, I’ll go ahead and pick a new winner.
The giveaway will be open until Saturday, August 27.

As an added bonus, Annie is generously offering all of you readers 20% off your online purchases. Just use the coupon code "CUPCAKE" during checkout.

Happy shopping!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Camp Quiltalong Prize Giveaway

This isn't the giveaway post I mentioned yesterday. Check back tomorrow for those details.


As you know, I'm part of the AccuQuilt Blogger Program. I received this email last week and thought it sounded so great that I wanted to share:

Join in some campfire fun for a chance to win great prizes totaling over $1500! Fons & Porter,, and AccuQuilt have teamed up to provide us all with a huge giveaway on Facebook. Simply “Like” these Facebook pages and gain access to all three sections of a secret code that unlock your chance to win! Follow the camp trail on the bottom of each sponsor’s page and it will take you to the next campground to retrieve the next section of code. Once you’ve captured all three pieces of the secret code, go to and enter the full code to register to win!

Your summer camping trip begins at AccuQuilt, so get GO!-ing at!/accuquilt?sk=app_10467688569

The contest runs through Monday, August 29 with three winners chosen at random on Tuesday, August 30.

And while you're at it, sign up for the AccuQuilt newsletter to receive 22 free patterns by clicking the picture below.

22 Free Patterns - Download Now

Good luck!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kona Solids Challenge - SLCMQG

Heads up: Next week I will be hosting a sponsored giveaway. Check back in a couple days for the details.

On Thursday, the Salt Lake Modern Quilt Guild had our show and tell for the Kona Solids Challenge. If you can ignore the crappy cell phone pictures I took, you can browse through the entries. Kati and Amy both did blog posts about the challenge. Blogger is being painfully slow right now so head on over to their blogs to check them out.

By Ginny:

Kona Solids Challenge - Ginny

By Sam:

Kona Solids Challenge - Sam

By Amber:

Kona Solids Challenge - Amber

By Kati:

Kona Solids Challenge - Kati

By Alisa:

Kona Solids Challenge - Alisa

By me (I'll post about this when I finish it):

Kona Solids Challenge - Brooke

By Lisa:

Kona Solids Challenge - Lisa

By Colleen:

Kona Solids Challenge - Colleen

By Kayli:

Kona Solids Challenge - Kayli

By Rachel:

Kona Solids Challenge - Rachel

By Cindy:

Kona Solids Challenge - Cindy

By Julie:

Kona Solids Challenge - Julie

By Leigh:

Kona Solids Challenge - Leigh

By Amy:

Kona Solids Challenge - Amy

Friday, August 19, 2011

Vote for Lee!

Lee at Freshly Pieced has designed a really cute, modern, funky pattern for the Connecting Threads fabric design contest. I love all of Lee's stuff and wanted to send a shout out and ask you to vote for her design. The winner gets to design other pieces to go with the submitted design, and I for one would love to see her win. Voting ends August 31.

Click here to vote.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Block for Kati and a Few Other Things

I feel like it's been ages since I've done anything sewing-related over the last several weeks. I think it's because I'm down to the wire with this pregnancy and I am SO feeling it. My body is asking me, "What in the heck did you sign me up for?!" But on Saturday, the SLCMQG got together for a Sewing Saturday. I tackled this quilt block for Kati in the Sew Beautiful Bee. She asked for wonky log cabins with improv piecing. I did my best to channel my inner wonk, so I hope it works with her design. One thing I struggled with was the improv piecing…meaning I only did it once in this block with that FMF print. (Sorry Kati!)

Wonky log cabin block for Kati

I also made a string X block in oranges and grays for Leigh, but forgot to snap a photo of it before handing it over to her that day.

In other fabric news, I signed up for Kati’s Color Wheel Charm Swap (which I’m so excited about). My assigned colors are green and green-yellow. Here are the fabrics I picked.

Sea Kelp in Green from Going Coastal by Emily Herrick for Michael Miller

Green choice; Sea Kelp in Green from Going Coastal by Emily Herrick for Michael Miller

Itty Bitty Chairs in Grass from Tufted Tweets by Laurie Wisbrun for Robert Kaufman

I have a few more items on my to-make-before-baby-comes list and I’m pretty sure they won’t all get done. My daughter’s bed quilt needs to take top priority now that the bunk beds we ordered are here and I’m sure I won’t be able to finish a quilt of that size after the baby’s born. I also need to finish my Kona Solids Challenge quilt by next Thursday (gah! How did time fly so fast?!) and cut my fabrics for my month in our quilt guild bee. In order to do all this though, I need my body to stop screaming at me and just relax enough so I can get something done. Please send encouraging thoughts my way!


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