I was planning to schedule this post while I'm recovering from surgery in the next couple weeks, but the mister's aunt passed away unexpectedly this week - she was only 51 - so I think it's important to take time to say the important things in life. We miss you, Nancy.
Earlier this month was my dad's birthday. My dad is pretty much the greatest guy ever. He's calm and level-headed and always tries to keep things peaceful. With five sisters and only one brother in the house that made for a lot of estrogen and all-around hormone overload growing up.
Now that all of us are grown and most of us are away from home with our own families, my dad has tried to make a point to keep in contact on a regular basis. He calls to check in on each of us, which I really love and appreciate.
I don't remember when it started, but every time he calls and I answer the phone, he starts to sing Lionel Richie's song, "I just called to say, 'I love you.'"

A few months after my youngest was born my dad got really sick and spent a week in the hospital. Things weren't the same after that. He's bed-ridden now and we've had a few scares that he was drifting away. For his birthday this year, I wanted to make him something to represent what his phone calls mean to me.
I fussy cut this telephone from Melody Miller's Ruby Star Sparkle and appliqued it onto some of Joel Dewberry's Herringbone in Grass from his Modern Meadow line.
Then I fused interfacing to some of Denyse Schmidt's Chicopee Cross Square in Green and cut out the letters for the lyrics. Then I appliqued them to the background fabric as well.
I initially planned to make a pillow cover, but figured it would be better as a wall-hanging instead.
I plan to make myself a pillow cover like it eventually too. It'll serve as a good reminder of love and family and making sure you take the time to tell those you love how you feel.